Mestre Joao Grande and Moraes 1990

Mestre Joao Grande and Moraes performing at the Schoemberg Centre for Research in Black Culture, in New York City, 1990


Publicado no Portal Capoeira – por: Teimosia na Galeria de Videos.

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18 comentários

  1. Great job Struendo2!! Keep on!!! To hazelday: history destroyed many
    documents concerning capoeira. I think we should learn the lesson and try
    to spread information and knowledge on capoeira at most. This will develop
    people’s awareness on what capoeira is and preserve the very essence of the
    art (thus helping all those old mestres to pay their rents). If those
    videos were easily available at a reasonable price, I would buy them (as I
    did for others).

  2. The same day there was a demonstration of ladja from Martinique with
    “ti-raoul” and his group! So,do you have the part of this recording? I saw
    it already at New York in Caribeen Culture Center! Most of biggest
    Researchers were present like Dan Dawson,a mestre Grande’s friend. He knows
    very much about Ladja and capoeira.

  3. For those of you who would like to buy one of Mestre Joao Grande’s VCDs,
    help him earn a living and support his family, we are working to add a
    store to the Mestre’s website. Meanwhile this material is protected by

  4. That’s very nice of you! I think is valuable material! Is there any website
    selling them? How much do they cost? We could try… Unfortunately I live
    in Italy, so I fear that the shipping cost would be too much for me to pay
    my rent 🙂

  5. These are availabe as VCDs at the price that pays the rent. If you’d like
    to get one and you’re not in the NYC area, I will happily buy one on your
    behalf and send it to you at cost.

  6. “number 3 in the Capoeira Forbes list”? I guess he gets that rep because
    he’s living in the studio he teaches in, and while in his mid 70s he’s
    traveling constantly to make sure he can pay the bills? Whoever gave you
    this impression is sadly mis-informed.

  7. I do not think that posting few samples of this video will affect Joao
    Grande’s economy, (number 3 in the Capoeira Forbes list after Camisa and
    Suassuna) at all. However the intention is to spread the information about
    capoeira and to introduce one of the best capoeira players to a wide

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