Mestre Cobra Mansa and Mestre Joao Grande, 1986

Cobrinha and Joao Grande playing during the second encounter of capoeira Angola in Bahia, organized by the GCAP in 1986


Publicado no Portal Capoeira – por: Teimosia na Galeria de Videos.

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20 comentários

  1. sweet vids. The player right after this game looks to be the amazing Mestre
    No. Is it so? And can we have a glimpse and view of his game with Mestre
    Cobrinha Mansa as well?

  2. I meant to say that the game with Cobrinha and No is *not* on the video
    that struendo2 posted. I’ll see if I can ask mestre if he knows if that
    game has been put on a cd.

  3. Excelente video…da onde foi retirado..qual vhs ou dvd? Quem quiser
    compartilhar e trocar videos(dvds)entra na comunidade que criei no orkut…
    “louco por videos de capoeira” meu hotmail é mrsr80

  4. engraçado como o mestre João não deixava de jeito nenhum o Cobrinha jogar
    como queria… ele saía pra um lado, o mestre ” bloqueava”, ele ía por
    outro e ,de novo, encontrava dificuldades… simples e eficiente!

  5. The video with Cobrinha and No is on the dvd/vcd that struendo2 is posting
    doesn’t have that game. If you’d like, you can buy the video from the
    capoeira angola center, joaograndeorg.

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